Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Book of Coupons

Image result for a book of coupons by susie morgenstern
Most people think that getting a new teacher can be a little scary. The students at Marie Curie School were no exception. Will the teacher be a he? A she? Smart? Mean? They had an idea of what this teacher would be like--athletic and attractive, of course. The teacher that they got looked nothing like they expected, but the students quickly realized that this teacher had something to offer that they never expected. With the gift from their teacher of a coupon book, the students knew that this year would be different from every other. The illustrations are fun and cartoon like, adding to the light-hearted feeling of the book. 

Title: A Book of Coupons
Author: Susie Morgenstern
Illustrator: Serge Bloch
Publisher: San Val
Copyright: 2001
Number of pages: 62 pages
Genre: International Literature

This book can be used on the first day of school to show students that getting a new teacher might not be so bad.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this book, but will be one I purchase for the beginning of next school year! I love rewards and coupons for my students and my own children! Positive reinforcement is the best and this idea would be great to incorporate to your classroom one day!
