Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Gold Coin

The Gold Coin
An elderly woman believes herself to be the richest woman in the world with her wealth consisting of a single gold coin. She claims her riches aloud to herself one night, unaware of the thief listening outside her hut. The book The Gold Coin follows the story of the two and how the woman escapes the thief many times. The story begins to turn as the thief learns a lot about himself from watching the woman's interactions with others. The illustrations pay mind to the heritage in the book with beautiful depictions of the culture.  

Title: The Gold Coin
Author: Alma Flor Ada
Illustrator: Neil Waldman
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Copyright: 1946
Number of pages: 32 pages
Genre: Diverse Perspectives

This book can be used to teach about storytelling different cultures. This book specifically follows the culture patterns in literature from South and Central America. 

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